Boardroom Evaluation

Issues confronting Under performing boards

The Companies Act, 2013 introduced a number of statutory provisions that d impact on board room functioning, effectiveness and dynamics. SEBI introduced the latest changes impacting the corporate governance in 2015 and then in 2019 and that changed the boardroom game altogether. Consequently, Boardrooms in India are confronted with adequate representation, disclosure dilemmas, boardroom diversity and adequate corporate governance standards. Not able to navigate around these issues, unintentionally or as a matter of choice, several boards are either under-performing or working at their least potential.

Process of mapping boardroom effectiveness

Led and guided by Dr Sneh Bhardwaj, who has conducted an Australian Government funded research study (for her second PhD) on Effective Boardroom Governance in Indian Boardrooms, both in the public and private sector, a multi-disciplinary team with considerable practical experience will be undertaking this process. The process commences with detailed diagnostic conversations with the promoters/founders to get a clear understanding of the context in which the exercise of Board mapping is proposed to be undertaken. Then, discussions with senior executive team and IDs, NEDs will take place. Discussions with statutory auditors and internal auditors will also form part of the process.

Why should you hire us?

Dr Bhardwaj has extensive boardroom insights that come from her research publications on Boardroom effectiveness and from her learning from extensively interviewing Industry Stalwarts such as Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Vinita Bali, Suresh Talwar, Harsh Mariwala, Hema Ravichandarn, Revathy Ashok on boardroom effectiveness. She studied boardroom effectiveness during her three year PhD study funded by the Australian government in 2018

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